Fertilizer meaning in hindi

Asapu Sri
By -
Fertilizer meaning in Hindi - Fertilizer is a term that's commonly used in agriculture and gardening. It's a substance that's added to soil to improve its fertility and promote plant growth. In Hindi, fertilizer is known as "khaad" (खाद), उर्वरक (urvarak). Urvarak is derived from the Sanskrit word 'urvi' (उर्वी) which means earth or land, and 'arak' (अरक) which means to increase or enhance.

उर्वरक एक ऐसा शब्द है जो आमतौर पर कृषि और बागवानी में उपयोग किया जाता है। यह एक ऐसा पदार्थ है जो मिट्टी की उर्वरता में सुधार करने और पौधों के विकास को बढ़ावा देने के लिए जोड़ा जाता है। खाद को हिन्दी में खाद कहते हैं। उर्वरक संस्कृत शब्द 'उर्वी' (उर्वी) से लिया गया है जिसका अर्थ है पृथ्वी या भूमि, और 'अरक' (अरक) जिसका अर्थ है बढ़ाना या बढ़ाना।

In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about fertilizers, including their types, uses, and benefits, along with their Hindi translations.


What is Fertilizer?( खाद क्या है?)

Fertilizers are substances added to soil or plants to improve their growth and productivity. They consist of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which plants require for proper development. Agriculture commonly uses fertilizers to boost crop yields and enrich soil fertility.

Why Are Fertilizers Essential in Agriculture?

Fertilizers consist of crucial nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that are necessary for proper plant growth. These nutrients may not always be present in the soil in sufficient quantities, leading to poor plant growth and yield. Fertilizers help replenish the soil with these essential nutrients, ensuring that plants have access to what they need for optimal growth.

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Types of Fertilizers( उर्वरकों के प्रकार)

Fertilizers come in three primary categories:

Organic Fertilizers.

Inorganic Fertilizers (also known as chemical fertilizers).


Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are eco-friendly and sustainable since they are derived from natural sources and do not contain any harmful chemicals or additives. They release nutrients slowly over time, making them slow-release fertilizers, and offer a constant supply of nutrients to plants. Organic fertilizers are also beneficial for soil health as they improve soil quality, structure, and water-holding capacity.

Some common types of organic fertilizers include:

Manure: the organic goldmine, is a nutrient-rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, thanks to the power of microorganisms.

Compost: the ultimate recycling superhero. Made from a blend of organic waste, this nutrient-rich soil amendment boosts soil health and plant growth.

Bone meal: nature's secret to strong roots. Crushed animal bones provide a rich source of phosphorus, promoting healthy plant growth and development.

Blood meal: the organic energizer. Made from dried animal blood, it's a potent source of nitrogen, fueling rapid plant growth and lush foliage.

Fish emulsion: the liquid powerhouse. Made from fish waste, this organic fertilizer delivers a trio of essential nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, for healthy and vigorous plants.

Inorganic Fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers are a popular choice for people who want fast results in their plant growth. But however, these fertilizers are composed of synthetic materials, which can cause significant harm to the environment if overused. While they offer rapid results, the long-term effects of soil pollution and environmental degradation can have severe consequences for both the ecosystem and human health. It's important to weigh the benefits and risks of using inorganic fertilizers and consider more sustainable alternatives to protect our planet's health.

Some common types of inorganic fertilizers include:

Nitrogen composts are fertilizers that contain nitrogen compounds like ammonium nitrate, urea, and ammonium sulfate. They are used to increase the nitrogen content in the soil.

Phosphorus compounds like diammonium phosphate and triple superphosphate are also present in these fertilizers to increase the phosphorus content in the soil.

Potassium-rich composts, such as potassium sulfate and potassium chloride, provide the soil with potassium.

Compound composts mix nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium with other micronutrients to balance the soil's nutrient profile.


Biofertilizers are delivered utilizing living microorganisms like microbes, growths, and green growth. These manures are intended to improve soil richness and advance plant development by fixing environmental nitrogen, solubilizing soil supplements, and creating plant development advancing chemicals. With the assistance of biofertilizers, ranchers can lessen their dependence on synthetic manures and advance economical farming practices. So on the off chance that you're searching for a characteristic and eco-accommodating method for supporting your dirt richness and increment crop yields, look no farther than biofertilizers!

Some common types of Biofertilizers include:

Rhizobium is a type of bacteria that forms a mutually beneficial relationship with leguminous plants. This bacteria fixes atmospheric nitrogen and converts it into a form that the plant can use.

Azotobacter is another type of bacteria that fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, making it available to plants.

Azospirillum is a bacteria that fixes atmospheric nitrogen and also solubilizes soil phosphorus, promoting plant growth.

Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria are bacteria that can solubilize soil phosphorus, which increases its availability to plants.

Mycorrhizae are fungi that form a symbiotic relationship with plants, improving nutrient uptake and water absorption.

Jeevamrut (जीवामृत)

Jeevamrut (जीवामृत) is a natural and organic fertilizer that is highly favored by farmers and gardeners. It's produced using cow excrement, cow urine, jaggery, gram flour, water, and soil, which give fundamental supplements to plants. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are a portion of the key supplements found in Jeevamrut that advance plant development. By utilizing Jeevamrut, not exclusively can soil quality be improved, yet additionally plant development can be animated, prompting expanded crop yields. It's a sustainable and eco-friendly way to support plant growth and soil health.

Kandmool (कंदमूल)

 Kandmool (कंदमूल) This wonder-fertilizer is made from the roots of plants like onion, garlic, and ginger, and is loaded with vital nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Not only does Kandamool help make your soil healthier, but it also helps your plants grow bigger and stronger, leading to a bumper crop that'll make your neighbors green with envy!

Neem Khad (नीमखद)

Neemkhad (नीमखद ) This amazing organic fertilizer is made from the leaves and seeds of the neem tree, and is chock-full of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Not only does Neemkhad work wonders in improving soil health, but it also repels pesky critters that can harm your plants, ensuring they grow strong and healthy. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie with a green thumb, Neemkhad is the perfect choice for anyone looking to grow a thriving, pest-free garden.

Urvarak Mishran (उर्वरक मिश्रण)

Urvarak mishran (उर्वरक मिश्रण) is a manure that is made by mixing different sorts of natural and inorganic composts. This blend gives an even stockpile of fundamental supplements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are significant for plant development. Urvarak mishran is profoundly respected for its capacity to upgrade soil wellbeing, invigorate plant development, and further develop crop yields.

How to Use Fertilizer

The effective use of fertilizer is crucial in providing plants with the necessary nutrients for optimal growth. Careful application of fertilizer is necessary to avoid overuse, which can lead to plant damage and contribute to environmental pollution. Conversely, underuse of fertilizer may result in stunted plant growth and diminished yields. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance in fertilizer application to promote healthy plant growth while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

To use fertilizer effectively, follow these guidelines:

Check the soil: Before applying fertilizer, it is essential to test your soil for nutrients. This will assist you in selecting the appropriate fertilizer type and quantity.

Select the appropriate fertilizer: Choose a fertilizer that is appropriate for your plants' needs in terms of nutrients. In contrast to organic fertilizers, which release nutrients quickly over time, inorganic fertilizers do so slowly.

Apply fertilizer when it is needed: Apply fertilizer prior to planting, during the growing season, and after harvest to ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need at the right time.

Use the appropriate amount: Your plants may suffer harm if you use fertilizer too much or too little. Adhere to the directions on the manure bundle to decide the right add up to utilize.

After fertilizing, water plants: Watering your plants in the wake of applying manure can assist the supplements with arriving at the foundations of the plants.

The Benefits of Using Fertilizer 

Utilizing compost can offer various benefits for ranchers and landscapers. A portion of the essential advantages include:

Further developed Soil Ripeness Manure can improve soil richness by giving fundamental supplements expected to establish development. This makes sure that plants can get the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

Increased Crop Yields By providing the necessary nutrients for plant growth, fertilizer can boost crop yields. Plants are able to produce more crops, fruits, and vegetables as a result of this.

Reduced Soil Erosion Fertilizer can improve the structure and stability of the soil, thereby reducing soil erosion. This stops the wind and heavy rain from washing away the soil.

Controlling Pests and Diseases Fertilizer can help keep pests and diseases at bay by making plants healthier and making them more resistant to them.

Choose the right fertilizer for your plants or crops based on their nutrient requirements.

Apply the fertilizer at the right time, using the correct application method (e.g. broadcasting, banding, or side-dressing).

Follow the recommended dosage and application rates to avoid over-fertilization, which can harm plants and cause environmental problems.

Store fertilizers properly in a cool, dry place away from children and animals.

Fertilizer Companies in India

There are several fertilizer companies in India, including:

Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO).

National Fertilizers Limited (NFL).

Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCF).

Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (GSFC).

Coromandel International Limited (CIL).


In conclusion, modern agriculture and horticulture rely heavily on fertilizers. Fertilizers can help control pests and diseases, increase crop yields, reduce soil erosion, and increase soil fertility. To avoid over- or under-application, it is essential to select the appropriate fertilizer, apply it at the appropriate time, and use the appropriate quantity. The agricultural and horticultural communities of India stand to gain from the appropriate application of fertilizers in order to enhance the yield and quality of their plants and crops.

Key Points Summarized:

Fertilizers give plants the nutrients they need to grow and develop.

Organic and inorganic fertilizers are two different kinds of fertilizers.

The kind and quantity of fertilizer to use can be determined by testing the soil.

Compost ought to be applied with flawless timing, prior to planting, during the developing season, and after reap.

Utilizing the perfect proportion of compost is vital to stay away from abuse or underuse.

Fertilizer use can improve soil fertility, boost crop yields, reduce soil erosion, and control pests and diseases.

Fertilizers' Prospects for the Future:

With the developing interest for food creation and the need to take care of a rising worldwide populace, the utilization of composts is probably going to increase later on. However, there is also growing concern regarding the impact that fertilizer use has on the environment, including the contamination of soil and water resources. Thus, there is a requirement to proceed with innovative work of economical manure rehearses that limit the ecological effect while keeping up with crop yields and efficiency.

Make sure you always use the right fertilizer for your plants, apply it correctly, and follow the instructions to get the most out of it with the least amount of impact on the environment.

Thank you for reading this comprehensive guide to fertilizer meaning in Hindi. We hope that you have found it informative and useful!

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