Traveller Palm || travelers palm

Asapu Sri
By -

Traveller palm, also known as Ravenala madagascariensis, is a stunning and majestic plant that is native to Madagascar. This unique plant is named for its large, fan-like leaves that resemble the shape of a traveller's palm. Despite its name, it is not a palm tree but is actually a member of the bird-of-paradise family. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about growing and caring for traveller palm.

types of traveller palm plants
Traveller palm plants

Introduction to Traveller Palm

The Traveller Palm is a magnificent plant that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Its striking appearance, with large, fan-like leaves arranged in a circular pattern atop a sturdy trunk, makes it an eye-catching addition to any garden or landscape. But what is the story behind this exotic plant, and where did it come from?

Native to Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa, the Traveller Palm (scientific name Ravenala madagascariensis) was first discovered by French botanist Henri-Auguste Baillon in 1881. Baillon was exploring the island, studying its plant life, when he came across the Traveller Palm.

Baillon was immediately struck by the plant's unusual appearance and named it Ravenala, after the Malagasy word for "traveller." The name was inspired by the plant's distinctive fan-like leaves, which are said to resemble a traveller's fan used by people in Madagascar.

The Traveller Palm is deeply rooted in the culture and folklore of Madagascar, with legends claiming that the gods created the plant to offer food and shelter to lost travellers in the jungle. The leaves of the plant were said to point the way to the nearest water source, saving lives in the process.

Today, the Traveller Palm is a popular ornamental plant in tropical regions around the world, adding an exotic touch to outdoor spaces. The plant requires warm and humid conditions to grow, and can reach heights of up to 30 feet, producing white flowers during the summer months.

Origin and Background of the Traveller Palm

The Traveller Palm was first discovered by the French botanist Pierre Sonnerat in the late 18th century. It was later named after the island's governor, Count Louis Antoine de Bougainville. This majestic plant belongs to the family Strelitziaceae, which also includes the Bird of Paradise plant.

The Ravenala madagascariensis, commonly known as the traveller palm, is a flowering plant species that is indigenous to Madagascar, an island situated off the coast of Africa. It is categorized under the Strelitziaceae family, which encompasses a number of other decorative plants.

The moniker "traveller palm" is attributed to its exceptional characteristic of accumulating water in the base of its leaves, which can prove to be a lifesaver for parched wayfarers in the wilderness. Nevertheless, despite its name, the traveller palm is not truly a palm tree, but rather belongs to the banana family.

What is a Traveller Palm?

The traveller palm, scientific name Ravenala madagascariensis, is a plant native to Madagascar. Despite its name, it's not actually a palm at all, but rather a member of the bird-of-paradise family. It gets its name from the fact that its large, flat leaves are arranged in a way that gives the impression of a traveller holding a fan.

The slow-growing traveller palm ultimately reaches heights of up to 30 feet tall and a spread of 15 feet. It is an excellent choice for tropical and subtropical climates because it can be cultivated outside all year long in such regions.

Traveller Palm Indoor Plant - Ravenala Madagascariensis
Traveller Palm Indoor Plant

Why Should You Consider Growing a Traveller Palm?

There are many reasons why you might want to add a traveller palm to your garden. Here are just a few:

  1. Unique Appearance: With its large, fan-like fronds and interesting growth habit, the traveller palm is a stunning addition to any landscape.
  2. Low Maintenance: Despite its exotic appearance, the traveller palm is actually quite low-maintenance. It requires little pruning or fertilizing and is fairly drought-tolerant once established.
  3. Versatility: The traveller palm is a versatile plant that can be grown in a variety of conditions, from full sun to partial shade.

How to Care for Your Traveller Palm?

If you're considering adding a traveller palm to your garden, here are some tips for caring for this unique plant:

  1. Planting: The traveller palm prefers well-draining soil and should be planted in a spot with plenty of room to grow. Make sure to water the plant well after planting.
  2. Watering: While the traveller palm is drought-tolerant once established, it still requires regular watering during its first year of growth. After that, it should be watered deeply once a week during the growing season.
  3. Fertilizing: The traveller palm doesn't require much fertilization, but a slow-release fertilizer can be applied in the spring to promote growth.
  4. Pruning: The traveller palm doesn't require much pruning, but dead or damaged fronds should be removed as needed to keep the plant looking neat.  
care and maintenance traveller palm plant
Care and Maintenance traveller palm plant

Benefits of Growing Traveller Palm

The traveller palm is not just a beautiful addition to your home or garden, it also offers a number of benefits. These include:

Aesthetic value: Transform your space into a lush, tropical paradise with the addition of a traveller palm. This beautiful plant is a natural work of art, boasting elegant, sweeping fronds that instantly infuse any area with a touch of exotic charm. 

Whether you're looking to create a bold focal point or simply add some eye-catching visual interest to your indoor or outdoor space, the traveller palm is the perfect choice. 

Its vibrant green leaves are sure to capture attention and spark conversation, while its stunning aesthetic appeal creates a calming atmosphere that encourages relaxation and rejuvenation. 

Treat yourself to the beauty of the traveller palm and elevate your surroundings with a touch of tropical elegance.

Air purification: Not only is the traveller palm visually stunning, but it also provides a natural solution to improve your indoor air quality.

As an efficient air purifier, this plant works tirelessly to absorb harmful toxins from the air, transforming them into clean, refreshing oxygen. 

By adding a traveller palm to your living or working space, you can breathe easier knowing that you are providing a healthier environment for yourself and your loved ones. 

Let this remarkable plant work its magic, while you enjoy the benefits of cleaner, fresher air.

Shade and privacy: In addition to its stunning beauty and air-purifying benefits, the traveller palm also serves as a practical solution for creating shade and privacy in your outdoor spaces.

With its generous, fan-like leaves, this impressive plant provides ample shade from the sun's harsh rays, making it a perfect addition to your garden or outdoor area.

 Moreover, its large size and lush foliage can also be utilized to create a natural privacy screen, adding an extra layer of seclusion to your backyard or patio. 

Escape from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and enjoy a tranquil oasis, shielded by the natural beauty of the traveller palm.

Landscaping benefits: With its exceptional versatility and undeniable aesthetic appeal, it's no wonder that the traveller palm has become a go-to choice for landscapers everywhere.

Whether you're looking to transform your backyard into a tropical paradise or add a touch of exotic charm to a commercial or public space, this magnificent plant is the perfect solution. 

Its lush foliage and striking fan-shaped leaves create an instant focal point that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. Not to mention, its low maintenance requirements make it an ideal choice for both experienced gardeners and those new to landscaping.

Whether you're a homeowner, business owner, or landscaper, the traveller palm is sure to exceed your expectations with its stunning versatility and unrivaled aesthetic appeal.

The versatile Traveller Palm offers more than just a source of survival in the wild. Its broad leaves are commonly used for thatching roofs, while its sturdy wood is ideal for construction.

Moreover, the plant is also believed to possess medicinal properties and is used in some cultures to treat fever and dysentery.

Traveller palm plants adding a tropical touch to poolside garden
Pool side traveller plam plants

Growing and Caring for the Traveller Palm

If you're interested in growing a Traveller Palm, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips for its care and maintenance:

Planting Location:
To ensure the growth and prosperity of your traveller palm, it's crucial to select the ideal location and soil conditions. This stunning plant requires a substantial amount of sunlight to flourish, so choose a spot that receives plenty of natural light throughout the day.

 Additionally, the soil should have good drainage to prevent waterlogging, as the traveller palm prefers slightly acidic soil with moderate moisture. Be sure to monitor the soil carefully, avoiding excessive watering that can lead to root rot. By providing the optimal growing conditions, your traveller palm will thrive, and you'll be rewarded with a beautiful, healthy plant that adds a touch of natural beauty to your surroundings.

Poolside Planting:
With its tall, slender trunk and fan-shaped leaves, the traveller palm is an excellent choice for planting around a pool area. 

The plant's lush foliage not only creates a tropical ambiance but also provides much-needed shade during hot summer days. Whether you're lounging poolside or entertaining guests, the traveller palm is sure to add a touch of elegance and tranquility to your outdoor space.

Light and temperature requirements: 
The traveller palm is a sun-loving plant that thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, it's essential to avoid overexposure, as too much direct sun can scorch the plant's delicate leaves. 

Additionally, this magnificent plant prefers warm temperatures, ideally ranging between 70-80°F during the day and 60-65°F at night. Keep this in mind when selecting the ideal location for your traveller palm, and be sure to provide the perfect balance of sun and warmth to keep it healthy and thriving. With the right conditions, your traveller palm will reward you with its stunning beauty and impressive growth.

Watering and fertilization:
Proper watering is crucial for the traveller palm's health and growth. While this plant requires regular watering, overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, so be sure to provide good drainage and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

A good rule of thumb is to water your traveller palm thoroughly, allowing the excess water to drain away before returning the pot to its saucer.

Additionally, fertilization is essential for this plant's growth and success. Regular feeding during the growing season will ensure that your traveller palm receives the nutrients it needs to thrive and produce healthy, vibrant foliage. By providing the right amount of water and nutrients, your traveller palm will reward you with its stunning beauty and impressive growth.

Pruning and maintenance:
Although the traveller palm doesn't need frequent pruning, it's essential to remove any dead or damaged leaves to keep it looking its best. Regularly checking for and removing damaged foliage not only improves the plant's appearance but also promotes healthy growth.

Additionally, dusting or wiping the leaves can help prevent pests and keep the plant healthy. This simple maintenance routine can go a long way in keeping your traveller palm thriving and looking beautiful for years to come.

The traveller palm can be propagated through two methods: seed or division. Propagation through division is a straightforward process. Simply separate the plant at the base and plant the new section in fresh soil. On the other hand, propagation through seed can be more challenging, but it is possible with patience and care. 

If you're up for the challenge, start by collecting mature seeds and soaking them in water for a few days. After the seeds have swollen, plant them in a well-draining soil mix, cover with plastic, and keep in a warm, humid environment. With proper care and attention, you can successfully propagate your own traveller palm from seed.

Protect from cold:
If you live in a cooler climate, make sure to protect your traveller palm from frost and freezing temperatures. Consider bringing it indoors during the winter months. 

Patio Accent:
Looking to add some visual interest to your patio or outdoor seating area? The traveller palm is an excellent choice! Plant the palm in a decorative pot and place it in a prominent location to create a stunning focal point. 

With its tall, striking presence and lush, tropical foliage, the traveller palm is sure to capture the attention of all who pass by. Whether you're looking to create a cozy outdoor retreat or impress your guests with your gardening prowess, the traveller palm is an excellent addition to any outdoor space.

Privacy Screen:
Are you looking for a natural way to create privacy in your outdoor space? Look no further than the traveller palm! Plant several palms in a row to create a stunning, tropical wall that blocks out unwanted views. With its lush, fan-shaped leaves and tall, slender trunk, the traveller palm is the perfect plant for creating a natural privacy screen. Whether you're looking to shield your home from prying eyes or create a secluded outdoor retreat, the traveller palm is an excellent choice.

Common Issues with Traveller Palm

Despite its hardiness, the traveller palm can still be susceptible to a few common problems and pests. These include:

Leaf discoloration and spotting:
Are you noticing brown or yellow leaves on your traveller palm? Don't worry, this is a common issue that can be easily resolved. Brown or yellow leaves on the traveller palm are often caused by overwatering or exposure to direct sunlight. 

To prevent this, make sure to adjust your watering schedule and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Additionally, try moving your plant to a location with bright, indirect sunlight to prevent sunburn on the leaves. With proper care and attention, your traveller palm can stay healthy and lush for years to come.

Root rot:
Overindulging your traveller palm with too much water can spell disaster, as it can lead to the deadly root rot. To avoid this, make sure to provide proper drainage for the soil and resist the temptation to overwater. Giving the soil a chance to dry out a bit between waterings will go a long way in keeping your plant healthy and thriving.

Scale insects and spider mites:
Tiny pests can turn your traveller palm's leaves yellow and brown. Fight them off with insecticidal soap or neem oil. And watch out for crusty brown patches on your plant's leaves – you can remove them by hand or with a little insecticidal soap.

Traveler palm plants that add beauty to the home
Traveler palm plants that add beauty to the home

Interesting Facts about the Traveller Palm:

  1. "Unmasking the Traveller Palm: Surprisingly, this tropical beauty isn't a palm at all, but rather a member of the bird-of-paradise family, adding a touch of uniqueness to any landscape."
  2. The Traveller Palm's versatile leaves have earned it the name "traveller's tree" for their ability to provide shelter and even act as a makeshift compass, making it a must-have for any intrepid explorer.
  3. The Traveller Palm is not only beautiful, but also useful. Its fruit is edible and high in vitamin C, while its leaves can be used to make thatch, mats, and baskets.


The traveller palm is a special and beautiful plant that may give any garden a touch of exotic appeal. It's a fantastic option for tropical and subtropical areas because of how easy it is to maintain and how adaptable it is.With its distinctive fan-like leaves, hardy nature, and interesting uses, it's no wonder that it's become a popular choice for gardeners and nature lovers around the world.
By following the care tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Traveller Palm thrives and remains a beautiful addition to your home or garden for years to come. So why not consider adding a Traveller Palm to your collection and experiencing the beauty and versatility of this fascinating plant for yourself?

FAQs about the Traveller Palm:

1. Do Travellers palms need sun?
Yes, Traveller's palms require bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, but too much direct sunlight can cause their leaves to burn. It's best to place them in a location where they can receive bright, indirect sunlight for most of the day.

2. Is palm plant indoor or outdoor?
Palm plants are versatile - grow them indoors or out! But, it's important to know which species thrive best where. Do your research before planting!

3. How do you take care of a Traveller's palm?
Nurture your Traveller's palm with sun, water, and well-draining soil. Keep it fed with regular fertilization and maintain even soil moisture. Protect it from cold temperatures, ensure proper drainage, and remove any dead leaves to promote healthy growth.

4. What climate do Travellers palms grow in?
Travellers palms are tropical beauties that crave the heat! Hailing from Madagascar, they thrive in warm and humid climates and prefer temperatures above 60°F (15°C). While they can be grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 9b-11, they can also add a touch of the tropics to indoor spaces in a bright spot with plenty of humidity.

5. Can I put my indoor palm outside?
Yes, you can put your indoor palm plant outside, as long as you gradually acclimate it to the outdoor environment. Sudden changes in light and temperature can be stressful for indoor plants and may cause damage or shock. Start by placing your palm in a shaded or partially shaded area outside, gradually increasing its exposure to sunlight over a period of several weeks. Additionally, make sure the outdoor environment is suitable for your specific palm species, as some may not be able to tolerate direct sunlight or cooler temperatures.

6. Can palm tree be kept in house?
Yes, it is possible to keep many palm species indoors as houseplants. However, it is important to select a palm species that can thrive in indoor growing conditions, as some palms require more sunlight and space than others. Adequate watering and humidity levels are also crucial, as indoor environments are often drier than outdoor environments.

7. Is palm a lucky plant?
While palm plants are often considered lucky in many cultures and believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to a space, the concept of a "lucky plant" is highly subjective and varies based on personal beliefs and cultural traditions. Whether or not a palm is considered a lucky plant ultimately depends on one's individual perception and cultural background.

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